Three young natives, two of them minors, turned themselves in to the Colombian military last week in Inzá, Cauca per
•The three indigenous youths reported that within the last two months, FARC has recruited 15 minors between the ages of 12 and 15 with recruitment focusing on the areas of Toribío, Corinto, La Caldera, Muraya and Cabuyas.
•FARC has been using these recruits for such activities as gathering supplies and provisions and even setting up anti-personnel mines.
•Reportedly, terrorist alias “Macho Man” has offered 15,000 pesos to young natives for participating in these activities.
•Luis Fernando Arias, the secretary general of the Organización Nacional Indígena, states that the Colombian Army has also used native minors as informants, and that in the last few years, different armed groups have recruited at least 100 indigenous