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This is the dramatic life of the FARC women (Spanish)

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Bacchus39 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-12-11 06:06 PM
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This is the dramatic life of the FARC women (Spanish)

pretty good article for Spanish speakers.

July 2, 2008, while the army was rescuing 15 hostages from the jungle in Operation Jaque, a few kilometers away 4 girls experienced the hardest test imposed by the FARC leadership: each one, in exchange for not being punished, were obligated to have sex with Canaguero who was diagnosed with syphillis and infected the girls.

The most alarming of the Police Intelligency study, supported by versions from demobilized FARC and documents discovered in FARC camps is that each FARC front must fill a quota of recruiting women, who must be between 13 and 15, thats to say girls.

"WOmen are necessary to maintain FARC discipline, and we discovered that in the analysis of material discovered, and more than anything for the internal cohesion of the guerrillas, as sex objects, as a symbol of respect and order, and when the time comes for terrorist actions, as the most willing to do them", according to one of the investigators.

El miércoles 2 de julio del 2008, mientras el Ejército rescataba en un punto de las selvas del Guaviare a 15 secuestrados en medio de la Operación Jaque, a pocos kilómetros de allí cuatro jovencitas pasaban la más dura 'prueba' impuesta por un mando de las Farc: una a una, a cambio de no ser castigadas, fueron obligadas a tener relaciones sexuales con 'Canaguaro'. Al hombre le habían diagnosticado sífilis y las contagió.

Lo más alarmante de este estudio que hace Inteligencia de la Policía, sustentado en las versiones de las desmovilizadas y los documentos hallados en campamentos de varios frentes de los bloques Sur y Oriental, es que cada frente tiene que cumplir con una 'cuota' de reclutamiento de mujeres, que deben tener entre 13 y 15 años, es decir, niñas.

"Las mujeres son necesarias para mantener la disciplina de las Farc, y así lo hemos descubierto en los análisis al material incautado, pero sobre todo para mantener la cohesión interna de la guerrilla, como objetos sexuales, como símbolo de respeto y orden, y a la hora de cometer acciones terroristas, como las más decididas para hacerlo", señala uno de los investigadores de la Policía.

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Bacchus39 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-14-11 07:51 AM
Response to Original message
1. English version


Among the 112 female deserters in 2011, 57 did so to search for their children who they gave birth to in the jungle but were subsequently forced to give away by the FARC.

Yet the children who survived could be considered lucky given the alleged high rate of forced abortions within the FARC. Some 80 to 90% of the demobilized ex-FARC women had been forced to have at least one abortion, with some having had up to four.

Citing a widespread lack of condom use, something that contributes to the "high number of women infected with sexually transmitted diseases," the report indicates that the FARC's only method of birth control is through abortion. This happens, so says the report, at any point in the gestation period, with several women claiming abortions up to seven months into their pregancy.

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naaman fletcher Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-14-11 08:57 AM
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2. Horriffic, vile, acts.
Who would support people such as these? reccomending.
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Bacchus39 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-14-11 09:11 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. The FARC: seeking social justice in Colombia through murder, kidnapping,
enslavement, and child abuse
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