Highlighting One of Honduras’ Major Social Ills – Child Labour
Published at 11:56 am, June 13, 2011
The National Institute for Professional Training in Honduras carried out various activities for the World Day Against Child Labour, held on Sunday, June 12.
According to the survey on families carried out by the National Institute of Statistics, 377,182 children work in Honduras, and most of them do not attend school. Many work in dangerous activities which put them in a risky situation and limit their opportunities for development. There are dangerous jobs by nature, which can directly cause damage to children and adolescents. Among these types of jobs are: deep sea fishing, diving and in the mining sector, mining, production of fireworks and other jobs involving the use of gun powder, construction and similar.
Other jobs are dangerous due to the conditions in which they take place: even if the work is not dangerous in itself, it is the context in which it develops that makes them unsafe, that is to say for hygiene, safety and working environment, as exposure to chemical, biological, mechanical, psychosocial agents.
Child labor has a number of consequences for the educational process because the majority of children and adolescents who work do not attend school or more often drop out, or often have to repeat the school year or have low academic performance that discourage them.