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Another disappearance in Cabanas (CISPES)

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EFerrari Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-14-11 02:09 PM
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Another disappearance in Cabanas (CISPES)
Tuesday, 14 June 2011

"Two years after the kidnapping and murder of anti-mining activist Marcelo Rivera, those responsible for his death continue to do as they please while prosecutors and the police continue with false assumptions and inadequate investigations.”

–Communiqué from the Environmental Committee of Cabañas for the Defense of Water and Culture (CAC)

As a result of this impunity, another case of violence has arisen - the disappearance of Juan Francisco Duran Ayala. Thirty year-old Juan Francisco is a member of the CAC and was last seen over a week ago in the city of Ilobasco, Cabañas, putting up flyers and banners against mining and the Canadian mining company Pacific Rim as part of a CAC campaign. The CAC reports that the mayor of Ilobasco, Eliseo Castellano ordered members of the municipal police to remove the banners and intimidate the activists hanging them.

Juan Francisco´s father Benjamin Ayala Flores is the Coordinator of the FMLN war veterans association. He lives in Ilobasco and his dream is to see his son graduate with a degree in languages from the Technological University, where Juan Francisco has been studying for over three years.

Join the CAC and the family of Juan Francisco in calling on the Attorney General’s Office and the Civilian National Police (PNC) to conduct a thorough and exhaustive investigation into all the cases of violence towards community leaders in Cabañas and to specifically set up a task force to investigate the disappearance of Juan Francisco. The CAC demands that the investigations look for ties between this case of violence and local mayors José Ignacio Bautista, Edgar Bonilla and Eliseo Castellano as well as any ties to the mining company Pacific Rim.
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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-14-11 04:50 PM
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1. These predators recognize no limits to their greed. They'll keep going, no doubt,
until everyone has disappeared, one way or another.

Juan Francisco Duran Ayala's father struggled to protect his countrymen/women, too. This young man has probably been a target for a long time without knowing it, coming from a heritage of patriots.

Concepts like "right" and "wrong" don't apply to corporations, apparently. They have paid the right officials for the ability to rape the country and murder everyone who tries to stop them.

They're rubbing the peoples' noses in the reality they have bought off all the people in power who could possibly help, and all those who kvetch about "evil doers" are otherwise engaged in railing at the officials the U.S. government intends to overthrow elsewhere.

It's a damned shame.

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