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Peruvian leader under fire for plan to rival Rio's Jesus Christ statue

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-14-11 04:13 PM
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Peruvian leader under fire for plan to rival Rio's Jesus Christ statue
Peruvian leader under fire for plan to rival Rio's Jesus Christ statue
Outgoing president Alan García causes outcry over replica of Brazil's Christ the Redeemer statue
Dan Collyns in Lima, Tuesday 14 June 2011 19.49 BST
Alan García causes outcry over replica of Brazil's Christ the Redeemer statue

For Peru's outgoing president it is the realisation of a personal dream. Alan García says the construction of the world's tallest statue of Jesus, on a hill in the capital overlooking the ocean, will "bless Peru and protect Lima".

But the recent revelation of his secret plan has drawn criticism from city officials and architects, who describe it as unsuitable, excessive and authoritarian.

The city's mayor, Susana Villarán, complained that she had not been consulted about the monument, a virtual replica of Rio de Janeiro's Christ the Redeemer statue. "I respect President García, and I am a believer. But there is a thing called the integrity of the landscape of Lima's bay," she said.

The work, which will stand 37 metres tall and be visible from any point along the city's 12-mile coastline, is due to be inaugurated on 29 June, although Lima residents knew nothing about it until recently.

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Derechos Donating Member (892 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-14-11 08:24 PM
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1. As he bows out, García
– described in a US diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks as having a "colossal ego" – is keen to leave a visible legacy that marks his relationship with Brazil.

A perfect description for his leadership style. What an arrogant jerk.
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rabs Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-14-11 11:50 PM
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2. It is not true

that the statue will have el gordo Garcia's face on it.

But maybe Peruvians should wait until the netting is taken off. :evilgrin:

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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-15-11 02:15 PM
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3. Poor Jesus! He gets used for the foulest purposes on earth!
Simple message--"love thy neighbor"--and how is his name and image used? To "rival Brazil"! And, of course, for even worse purposes than this.

I wonder if this is meant as a "message" to the Indigenous: 'Your God--Pachamama--is not respected here. Our Crusader God, in whose name we decimated the Indigenous, will dominate!'

Peru's (and others') fascist elites might be looking with fearful eyes at the elevation of Pachamama in the Bolivian constitution, where Mother Nature's rights are now protected, specifically due to the liberation of the Indigenous majority, with the election of Evo Morales and the successful vote on the new constitution. Could it be that Garcia is trying to spark a new religious war?

With him, egotism is probably the main motive; also, the dinosauric upper-level Catholic clergy are fascists, and this may be a sop to them--a departing "gift" in payment for their support and to recompense them for losing the election (--their candidate, the daughter of the heinous dictator who sterilized thousands of Indigenous women and men and murdered many, lost). And maybe a bit of nationalism into the bargain--that is, Garcia thought that, by allying with the U.S., selling off Peru's natural resources and keeping the poor very poor, Peru could rival Brazil as a regional power. Utter stupidity, but still, that's the upshot of his policies.

However, he got into very hot water when his forces fired on and killed Indigenous mining protestors, and he may well have a grudge against the Indigenous, over and above the general rightwing/fascist hatred of the poor and of the Indigenous in particular and fear of their rising political power. So this could be a "message"--a sort of finger in the air to the Indigenous and to Mother Nature.

Really, poor Jesus! What a weighty cross He must bear!
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