14 June 2011 Last updated at 17:39 ET
New Che Guevara diary published in Cuba
A previously unpublished diary by the Argentine-born revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevara has been unveiled in Cuba.
His widow, Aleida March, said she had decided to publish the writings unedited.
She said she wanted readers to get to know Che Guevara just as he was.
Diary of a Combatant covers his three-year guerrilla campaign which resulted in the overthrow of then-president Gen Fulgencio Batista and brought Fidel Castro to power.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-13770865On edit, adding images:
http://www.geneall.net.nyud.net:8090/img/pessoas/pes_146239.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com.nyud.net:8090/-1P7IUviTrUY/TYsB4mJ4aqI/AAAAAAAAAyw/rjK_YLC0vp4/s1600/ap_aleida_march_071008_ssh.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com.nyud.net:8090/-uqPMNB6GtEQ/TYsB5O_rvfI/AAAAAAAAAzA/UNbvmSxuZfc/s1600/00000046685.jpgAleida March.