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Electric water heaters and kitchens prohibited in Mision Vivienda plan (Spanish)

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Bacchus39 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-15-11 11:27 AM
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Electric water heaters and kitchens prohibited in Mision Vivienda plan (Spanish)
Edited on Wed Jun-15-11 11:35 AM by Bacchus39

Las viviendas hechas dentro de ese plan se deberán instalar puntos de suministro de gas para calentadores de agua, secadoras, neveras y cocinas.

(Residences constructed under this plan must insall gas connections for water heaters, dryers, refrigerators, and kitchens)

a couple of comments from readers:

Ah si.?? es que en el país no hay problemas con el GAS TAMBIÉN.?? Que desastre de gobierno... Improvisación tras improvisación.

esto es una buena alternativa, pero sin embargo es tapar un hueco abriendo otro teniendo en cuenta la dependencia que hay de gas proveniente de colombia. En ese sentido, cómo van a suplir la demanda de gas sin ningún tipo de planeación, ni exploración, ni producción? Estos comunistas es sólo improvisación!

El socialismo es la filosofía del fracaso, el credo de la ignorancia, la oda a la mentira, su única virtud inherente es la repartición igualitaria de la miseria.
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joshcryer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-15-11 09:37 PM
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1. I wouldn't have a problem with this if they actually had proper natural gas distribution.
So basically they're building houses that will have a hard time getting natural gas (if they give it to them at all) which may in fact go without these basic utilities those in the west have come to enjoy. More than 70% of their natural gas is consumed by their oil industry, so, until this is remedied this appears to be posturing more than anything, and the poor will be forced to buy electric appliances.

There's also a question as to who is benefiting from a gas-only policy, as I'm sure someones pockets are being lined by this.
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