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Pinochet’s updated victim figures, a staggering 40,018

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-25-11 04:38 PM
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Pinochet’s updated victim figures, a staggering 40,018
Pinochet’s updated victim figures, a staggering 40,018
Fri, 2011-08-26 00:35 — editor

S.H.Moulana -Riyadh
The Chilean commission inquiring into people who suffered human rights violations under Gen. Augusto Pinochet’s 17-year evil rule between 1973 and 1990 has added another additional 9800 more victims to the list and thus the new total number of victims stands at a staggering 40,018.

He detained and tortured Chileans for political reasons by agents of the state or people at its service. Pinochet was installed to rule Chile by the champion of human rights and the promoter of democracy, the United States, displacing democratically elected Allende, whose economic reforms did not go well with the then US president Richard Nixon.

Allende decided to nationalize the copper industry and the banks to cure Chile’s economic ills the country was suffering then. He also restored diplomatic relations with Cuba and East Germany which really infuriated US president Richard Nixon. The CIA arranged for Michael V. Townley to be sent to Chile under the alias of Kenneth W. Enyart.

He was accompanied by Aldo Vera Serafin of the Secret Army Organization (SAO). The task force was assigned to remove Allende, who was elected by the Chilean people. Henry Kissinger, later admitted that Richard Nixon ordered him to organize a coup against Allende’s government. It was reported that Nixon spent 8 million dollars to destabilize Allende’s government prior to the coup to topple him and install General Augusto Pinochet. There were several other US sponsored military coups in Latin America in the 60s and 70s.

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ocpagu Donating Member (154 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-26-11 09:45 AM
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1. And I believe there's more to come.
The same kind of black propaganda the American government funded against Pinochet is being used today against Chávez. It started the same way and it worries me that it might end in the same way too.

Too bad that many Americans, even progressive Americans, fall for it.

Henry Kissinger should be in jail right now for all the crimes against humanity he helped to organise and cover up. But no, instead of that they just gave him the Nobel Peace Prize. A really bad taste joke by the Nobel Foundation.

Thanks, Judi Lynn.
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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Aug-26-11 11:25 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. That Nobel Peace Prize to Henry Kissinger is probably the ugliest thing the Nobel Foundation
has ever done, ever.

They were able to do it, and do it without a murmer of dissent because even then our media was so succssful at keeping people so ignorant, blind, unaware of the real war which was going on against the human race even then.

It's a blessing to us all that some of us have learned about your new President, too, that what has happened to her during the US-supported military junta in Brazil is well known in many parts of the world outside your country. Just not well known here so much, of course.

Thank you!
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