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Uribe founded paramilitary group: ex-paramilitary leader

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-07-11 11:05 PM
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Uribe founded paramilitary group: ex-paramilitary leader
Uribe founded paramilitary group: ex-paramilitary leader
Wednesday, 07 September 2011 18:38
Jian Li Zheng

A Colombian congressman filed charges against Alvaro Uribe Wednesday because, according to the testimony of a demobilized paramilitary leader, the former President was one of the founders of a well-known paramilitary group in the time Uribe was governor in his home department Antioquia.

After filing charges, Cepeda distributed the recorded statement of ex-paramilitary Pablo Hernan Sierra Garcia, alias "Alberto Guerrero," in which the former leader of the Cacique Pipinta Bloc points out that the paramilitary group used one of Uribe's estates as their base of operations.

Uribe's brother Santiago Uribe, businessman Luis Alberto Villegas Uribe and his brother, deputy Juan Guillermo Villegas Uribe, as well as paramilitary businessman Santiago Gallon Henao were co-founders of the now-defunct Bloque Metro, said the former paramilitary.

According to Sierra, the paramilitary group used Uribe's farmhouse "Guacharacas" as the home base from where the group committed massacres and forcefully displaced locals.

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-07-11 11:15 PM
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1. Earlier: 'AUC provided funds, security to Uribe campaign'
'AUC provided funds, security to Uribe campaign'
Monday, 21 February 2011 06:55
Adriaan Alsema

The now-defunct paramilitary Cacique Pipinta Bloc financially supported the 2002 presidential campaign of former President Alvaro Uribe, the former commander of the bloc told Noticias Uno.

"In 2002 there was a cattle auction in the town of Pintada in the La Bocana sector. They did the auction to gather funds for President Alvaro Uribe Velez for his first campaign," the former paramilitary said.

According to Guerrero, Uribe himself was present at the event where the paramilitaries collected $140,000 for his campaign.

"President Alvaro Uribe was present at this auction and the members of the Cacique Pipinta Bloc offered him security," the former commander said.

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