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Radio journalist killed in Honduras

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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-10-11 12:18 AM
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Radio journalist killed in Honduras
1:36 p.m. Friday, September 9, 2011
Radio journalist killed in Honduras
The Associated Press

TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras — Authorities in Honduras say gunmen shot to death a radio reporter who supported ousted former president Manuel Zelaya, the second such killing in as many months.

Prosecutors' spokesman Elvis Guzman said Friday that Radio Uno journalist Medardo Flores was killed in his home in northern Honduras Thursday.

Flores also served as the regional treasurer for the leftist pro-Zelaya movement.

Gunmen shot to death another pro-Zelaya journalist on July 15, and prominent Zelaya supporter Mahadeo Roopchand Sadloo was killed Tuesday.
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ocpagu Donating Member (154 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-10-11 02:01 AM
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1. And to think that some "progressives" have supported the military coup in Honduras...
...for being afraid of Hugo Chávez influence in Central America, trying to justify this Cold War style bloody dictatorship by stating that "Honduras just want an election".

Terrible, just terrible. Unfortunately, South American governments couldn't do enough to avoid this terrible backlash in the continent history. Next time these *&$#&% coup mongers try it again in some Latin American country I really, really hope to see straight military action from the governments of the South. There's no point in using diplomacy with gorillas. Send them warplanes.
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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-10-11 09:12 PM
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3. Best hopes and thoughts for Latin American solidarity. It's the only RIGHT, democratic solution. n/t
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Judi Lynn Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-10-11 09:10 PM
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2. Journalist who supported ousted president becomes 15th killed in 18 months
Journalist who supported ousted president becomes 15th killed in 18 months
Published on Saturday 10 September 2011.

Medardo Flores, a radio journalist who supported former President Manuel Zelaya, was gunned down on the night of 8 September, joining the long list of journalists who have been killed since Zelaya’s ouster in a June 2009 coup. Employed by Radio Uno in San Pedro Sula, he was slain in an ambush near his home in the Caribbean coast city of Puerto Cortés.

Regional finance manager of the pro-Zelaya Broad Front for Popular Resistance (FARP), Flores was shot just two days after another leading FARP figure, Emo Sadloo, was slain. Zelaya was allowed to return to Honduras in May.

Flores’ death brings the number of Honduran journalists killed in the past 18 months to 15. A media owner was also killed. None of these murders has been solved.

“It will be very hard for the authorities to rule out the possibility that Flores was killed for political reasons or because of his work as a journalist,” Reporters Without Borders said. “Aside from being a FARP member, he worked for a radio station that supports Zelaya so he was doubly exposed. Honduras is one of the hemisphere’s most dangerous countries for the media and its journalists are again in mourning.

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