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Chavez warning NATO invasion against Venezuela

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Bacchus39 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-11 07:43 AM
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Chavez warning NATO invasion against Venezuela

includes original Spanish and crappy google auto translation. source is Venezuelan TV government propaganda site.

El pueblo estará unido para defender la soberanía de la patria del Libertador ante cualquier tipo de imposición imperial, aseguró el mandatario / Desestimó la actitud de la contrarrevolución que ha demostrado su alianza con el imperio yanqui de manera pública / Calificó la invasión a Libia por parte de The people will be united to defend the sovereignty of the country's freedom from any kind of imperial imposition, said the president / dismissed the attitude of the counter that has demonstrated their allegiance to the Yankee Empire publicly / He called the invasion of Libya by of la OTAN NATO , como una vil barbarie y una declaración de guerra a todos los países exportadores de petróleo As a vile barbarism and a declaration of war on all oil exporting countries

El presidente de President la República Republic Bolivariana Bolivarian de Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, alertó al mundo y al pueblo sobre las pretensiones de Venezuela's Hugo Chavez warned the world and the people on the claims of la OTAN NATO de invadir la soberanía de Venezuela. to invade the sovereignty of Venezuela.

En este sentido recordó que en un reciente discurso el presidente norteamericano, Barack Obama, aseguraría que el “método Libia podría ser aplicable a cualquier otro país en la lucha contra el terrorismo”. In this regard, he recalled in a recent speech by U.S. President Barack Obama would ensure that "Libya method could be applied to any other country in the fight against terrorism."

El comandante Chávez desestimó la actitud de la contrarrevolución que ha demostrado su alianza con el imperio yanqui de manera pública, demostrando así su odio contra el pueblo humilde de Venezuela. Commander Chavez dismissed the attitude of the counter has demonstrated their allegiance to the Yankee Empire publicly demonstrating their hatred of the common people of Venezuela.

“ " La OTAN NATO tiene planificado una agresión contra Venezuela, que nunca ocurrirá y nos encargaremos de evitarla e impedirla por más que haya aquí 4 locos que anden lanzando oraciones al dios de la guerra y de la locura, pidiendo y mandando cartas en inglés, haciendo contactos en Europa y Estados Unidos para que vengan”, denunció. has planned an aggression against Venezuela, that will never happen and we will avoid it
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bemildred Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-11 09:58 AM
Response to Original message
1. Oddly enough, IIRC, Venezuela is one of the few LA countries we have never invaded.
And of course, most have had to deal with multiple European and USA-ian interventions.
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Bacchus39 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Sep-13-11 10:47 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. he should be more worried about his own people
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