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Evo Morales, Bolivian President, Takes Dramatic Popularity Plunge

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Renew Deal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Oct-03-11 09:14 AM
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Evo Morales, Bolivian President, Takes Dramatic Popularity Plunge
LA PAZ, Bolivia -- Tens of thousands of Bolivians took to the streets in major cities Wednesday to heap reproach on President Evo Morales over a police crackdown on indigenous protesters that badly damaged the leftist leader's credibility.

The marchers decried the perceived betrayal by Bolivia's first Indian president of constituencies whose banners Morales had long waved: native groups and environmentalists.

"Evo was a very strong symbol for many people. He embodied principles of justice, of human rights. But now these people are disenchanted," said Jim Shultz, an analyst with the think tank The Democracy Center, which works closely with Bolivian issues.

"This government is the worst and it should go because it attacked human beings, the indigenous compatriots who had given it their support, and now it's turned its back on them," said Pinto, who took part in a march that brought central La Paz to a standstill.
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Peace Patriot Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Oct-04-11 12:14 AM
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1. You mean he was popular? Wow, I wonder why we didn't get that news...
...and only hear about this bad news, of a dispute on the Left in Bolivia.


Answer: This is corporate propaganda, not news reporting. They ignored Morales' HUGE popularity over the last half decade and now they are making hay over his drop in popularity numbers in the midst of this disagreement about the new highway.

And by "they," I mean the Associated Pukes, and its so-called reporter, Frank Bajak, who wrote this article (with Paola Flores), as the lead disinformationist 'news' organization on Latin America. The Associated Pukes and Bajak are notoriously anti-Left. Their glee at this dispute on the Left is barely concealed in the article. They grudgingly admit, way down in the article, in paragraph 19....

"Analysts nevertheless concur that Morales, Bolivia's longest-serving president since the country emerged from dictatorship in 1985, will survive the political fallout." --the Associated Pukes (from the article).

But they can't even report that straight. They add...

'"He has an extraordinary ability to muddle through, said Gamarra." --the Associated Pukes. (Note: Gamarra is some guy of "Bolivian origin" who lives in Florida.)

Morales' appropriate democratic response to the dispute--he has suspended the highway project, called for a vote on it in the affected region and has said that his government is open to dialogue--is also buried way down in the article.

This is extremely biased writing in a context of non-stop biased writing by the Associated Pukes not just about Morales but about every successful Leftist leader in Latin America. They failed to report on the leader's popularity in the first place--why people voted for him or her in huge numbers, the context, the history, most especially the history of U.S. interference--and then they focus on anything that arises that makes that leader look bad or smells of a divided Left.

I don't call them "the Associated Pukes" for no reason. They have earned the epithet. This is NOT a "Huffington Post" article. It is an article from an extremely biased source.
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