Lincoln's obstructionism on healthcare and a host of other fronts persuaded Arkansas Lieutenant Governor Bill Halter--a rising star in the state--to challenge her in the Democratic primary on May 18. Halter helped organize a free healthcare clinic for a thousand Arkansans in November 2009 and supported a public insurance option, along with passage of a final bill through reconciliation. He's been endorsed by the AFL-CIO, SEIU and MoveOn, and recent polls show him gaining on Lincoln.
....Lincoln is running ads on African-American radio in Arkansas claiming she "stood with our president to pass healthcare reform." The ad continues: "Even though the Tea Party and insurance companies attacked Blanche Lincoln, she never abandoned our president, nor you. ads are quite shocking and no it is not an April fools joke.
The most disgusting part to me is an attempt to play the African Americans in her state for fools. Sending out one advertising message to white voters and another to black voters is simply something that should be unacceptable in politics.