via two Daily Kos diaries: Teabaggers and a complicit media.
"My Mom Said He Isn't Our President"I thought my first diary would be very different. I've been looking forward to digging into some research, creating a colorful graphic, and maybe even embedding a video clip.
Instead, opportunity presented itself in the form of a precious six year old child.
This year marked the first time in 20 plus years of teaching that ugliness has crept into my classroom. When President Obama was to give a highly anticipated televised speech on education, the right wing became outraged. Parents in my school district and across the country began threatening to keep their children out of school on the day of the speech. An opt-out letter was sent to parents at my school, and a few of my students left the classroom when we watched the speech.
We started looking at George Washington's face on a quarter. A quick review ensued. I asked, "So, whose face is on a _?" Responses were called out. Nancy asked "Will President Obama's face be on a coin?" I responded "It might be." Then Barry commented "My Mom said he isn't our President." "Well," I said, "We had a Presidential election and most of the people in America voted for President Obama. Do you remember when our class voted for favorite ice cream flavors?" Students nodded their heads. I added "You had to choose vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry. Most of the class voted for chocolate, and we made a picture graph to show that." We went back to desks and started practicing counting coins.
Congrats CNN: you now own this idiot & his new outrageErick Erickson yesterday threatened violence against census workers. The American Community Survey (ACS) are the folks who do the detailed interviews. Erikson had this to say to his radio audience:
ERICKSON: This is crazy. What gives the Commerce Department the right to ask me how often I flush my toilet? Or about going to work? I’m not filling out this form. I dare them to try and come throw me in jail. I dare them to. Pull out my wife’s shotgun and see how that little ACS twerp likes being scared at the door. They’re not going on my property. They can’t do that. They don’t have the legal right, and yet they’re trying.
The audio is available at
Think Progress TP notes that according to the Census Bureau, response to the ACS "is required by law (Title 13 , United States Code, Sections 141, 193, and 221).
So yes, they do have the legal right.
reiterated his comments on RedState this morning, with the added whine that
naturally the left is out today saying I was on the air advocating killing census workers.
Congratulations, CNN, this turd is now all yours. I hope you'll be very happy together.