(it does take a while for them to properly assess the situation), and Reagan is going down hill pretty fast. Reagan's legacy will be failure, nowhere near the level of failure of bush, but it will be one of failure. Most likely, Reagan will come out as "average", somewhere in the middle of the pack. His presidency is seriously tarnished, but that tarnish was burnished into a "glow" by those who found Reagan as some kind of hero, when the facts show a completely different view.
Looking back, both Harding and Coolidge were seen as "good" at their time, but reality caught up, and their fiscal policies led directly to the Great Depression, for which Hoover was blamed. Hoover had a lot to do with the level that was reached because of his inaction, but Harding and Coolidge paved the road. Reagan is being investigated recently, and a host of things are being brought into the light. There will always be people who will not accept the truth, but over time, as facts emerge, no matter how much a few deny the truth, the majority eventually come around. Like all processes, time is the overall winner.
The one thing about bush II, is that his failures are so glaring, it is hard not to see them. The man is so incredibly stupid, even those who "support" him have come to realize that electing an idiot is a very dangerous thing, (and an MBA attached to a name can really mean disaster!). The R's have a capacity over the past 30 years to nominate some of the dumbest people to run for office. It is as if they are stuck on stupid. Now I know that there are intelligent people that are in the Republican party, my mother, who is a lifelong R, is far from stupid, but those that get elected from that side of the aisle have a serious flaw in their brainpower. Thinking about those who are currently the "Power Figures" in the GOP, I see Boehner, Palin, Grassley, McCain, and a host of others, that simply cannot use deductive reasoning; they are dumb as rocks...which is one of the reasons they can't come up with a "plan", except to say "no". McCain, no seriously bright bulb in the chandelier is being challenged by a remarkably dimmer bulb, Hayworth...I know the GOP can do better, but they consistently head to the vegetable bin to find candidates. One R that is actually pretty smart is Steele, but his greed is so monumental, it overshadows his slightly above average intellect.
bush will go down in history as the worst president, (so far), and Reagan will not be far behind. Time will win out; of late, Carter is being seen in better light as facts come out about his presidency. Carter will never get past "average/good", but for all of the railing about him being a failure, history is showing us something different. In the scheme of things, bush II will fall well below Andrew Johnson, his seat at the bottom has been dusted off, and he'll have to live with the fact that he was a complete disaster. The momentary halcyon days of post 9-11, (immediately following the attacks, he hid out here in Nebraska, nice "leadership" there!), have been followed by one failure after another. bush will never be seen as anything but utter failure, except for the very few that are so blind they can even see when they've been slapped silly.