by the previous administration. Say what you will wa bout the Carter Administration and it's effectiveness, but he had to face the economic and energy crop sewn by the disastrous Nixon/Ford "trickle-down" policy. And if many of Carter's energy policies had a chance to be fully implemented we wouldn't be in the mess we're in, today. Raygun is revered by the Right; especially in regards to his "supply-side Reagonomics" that was nothing more than re-branded "trickle-down". But it was actually the Fed's response using a "1-2 punch" of Keynesian economics in that solved the problem of "stagflation". Actually, Reagan did help with Keynesian economics on steroids by approving incredible amounts of deficit spending. (Cheney: "Deficits don't matter, Reagan proved that!"). Actually, one of the things that the Neo-Cons loved about Reagan was that the result of his unprecedented deficits was that Congress was forced to balance the budget and had an excuse to cut the most Progressive programs.
Oh, yeah. And they claim that he helped bankrupt the Soviet Union with the Star Wars program. Although any historian can tell you that the bankruptcy of the USSR was long coming internally and Reagan had nothing to do with it.
This time it back-fired on them, because Reagan's VP GHW Bush was elected, and he had to deal with the brunt of the economic harvest of Reagan's policies.
Then along came Clinton. The economy hit record highs, ak though even then some seeds of destruction were sewn. Al Gore tried to warn us about it. Gore warned us that the market was merely in a "bubble" that would soon burst and we needed to be prepared by squirreling away some funds in a "lock box" so we could get through after the bubble burst, Bush was yelling "give it all away! Look under your chairs! YOU get a tax cut! YOU get a tax cut......"
Now we have had 8 years of neo-Reagonomics which has saddled us with the worst deficits in American History and the worst Recession since the Great Depression (also the result of Republican policies, btw).
And who is now getting blamed for the mess we're in? Obama.
Obama inherited a house full of trash and mold. He could simply "re-paint", but that won't solve the problem. So, he's put on the mask and rubber gloves, rolled up his sleeves, and he's been scrubbing away at that mold that permeates the concrete in the foundation of our government. He can't clean it all at once, so he has to pick out what areas he should work on, today - while getting the help to clear out the rotten furniture for the spot he plans to hit tomorrow. And once that furniture is cleared out - hoo, boy! The crap it was hiding!
I don't agree with everything that Obama does. I don't like the decision for off-shore drilling. But I do like the fact that he does look at things long-term, as we see again and again.
But, again, that decision wouldn't have been necessary if we had listened to Carter back in the '70s. And if wishes were horses....
I still wish people would stop blaming the current leaders for the screw-ups of the people who came before them - who got credit for the work of people before them.
While I'm at it, TN Senator and former Mayor of Chattanooga Bob Corker is a perfect example. Despite it's location and it's historic reputation, Chattanooga had become a dirty, nasty, I mean NASTY city. What was once a tourist mecca became a city you wanted to drive through as quickly as possible. It took a Dem mayor to implement clean-up and beautification projects. It took a long time, but it worked. Because it took a long time, everyone forgot the Dem mayor who got the ball rolling. Who got credit for it? Corker. Who basically did nothing. And now he's a US Senator. Because he played the Race Card in a close election. Disgusting.
When will credit be placed where credit is due in our country?