The rumored shortlist for the Supreme Court seat left vacant by Steven's retirement comprises three names: Elena Kagan, Diane P. Wood, and Merrick Garland. (Some other names reportedly on the "long" list include Harvard Dean Martha Minow, former Georgia Supreme Court member Leah Ward Sears, and Jennifer Granholm.)
If the speculation on the top three is accurate, the seeming "frontrunner" is Kagan, who has already been confirmed as solicitor general and has a reputation as being fair to conservatives and relatively centrist. I'm not quite as down on her as a lot of liberals are - Glenn Greenwald, for example, argues that her positions on executive power are too lenient. While that gives me pause, I do think it's important to note that she is representing her client, the White House, and that it doesn't necessarily reflect the views she would espouse as a Supreme Court justice.
Still, my own hope is that Obama picks Diane Wood. Wood is, by all accounts, one of the premier Appeals Court judges in the country. She is an excellent writer, adept at building consensus, and has widespread acclaim from her conservative colleagues. She also appears to be the most liberal of the three short-listers. She would also add a little religious diversity and some academic diversity to the court, as a Protestant and as a graduate of U. Texas Law School.
The main concern about Wood seems to be her age - she would be 60 when seated. But I really don't see this as a major concern, because so long as she can serve for about 15-20 years she'll be able to retire when another Democrat is president.