and is no solution to reduce illegal immigration in this country. Its great as a law that will cause additional hassles for people, but it will do nothing to even slow down the rate of illegal immigration. Oh, I'm sure that quite a few undocumented people will be deported, big fucking deal, they will be back.
This is a classic case that people are so stupid they will accept any type of bullshit as a solution, because it creates the appearance that the government is doing something, anything. It doesn't matter if this "solution" actually works, which it won't.
The fucked up part of this debate is that those who choose sides end up throwing so much bullshit at each other they are both covered with it.
The problem is that illegal immigration isn't a problem at all, its a symptom of a larger issue that has been present for a long time now, simply put, Mexico is getting fucked over economically. When millions of Mexican farmers are driven off their lands because they can't compete with American, federally subsidized corn, they come to the United States to find work. When millions of people in Mexico have their local economies depressed and their wages lowered, they come to the United States to find work. When you have drug cartels take over entire communities to try to stay in control of the supply of drugs whose biggest customers are Americans, you drive many people in those communities into either the cartels' hands or they flee for their safety and try to find work in the United States.
Oh, and let's not assume the Mexican government is blameless in this, its not, they signed onto NAFTA after all, there is corruption and greed there like you wouldn't believe. Greed for money from the cartels to American corporations, it doesn't matter. The fact is that the Mexican government has to clean up its own act same as the United States has to clean up its own as well.
Want to reduce illegal immigration, fine, then let's find a way to let those people find opportunities for employment at HOME. Reform NAFTA to protect workers, small business, and farms from exploitation and unemployment in all NAFTA signatories. End the drug war to reduce violence in the northern Mexican states. Eliminate corn subsidies in the United States. All these are possible, yet only one is really discussed and only timidly. We can't even pretend to be serious about reducing illegal immigration if we don't discuss the sources for it in the first place.