(I'm not sure we should be openly saying this. If I were the Dems, I'd lie and say, 'boy that Newt, has us the most worried--he can really get the GOP base excited!')
Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA) held a telephone conference call with reporters and called the prospect of Newt Gingrich winning the Republican nomination as "heaven-sent."
Said Harkin: "Newt has never been one to engage mind before opening mouth. He engages mouth before engaging his mind sometimes, most of the time. That doesn't bode well for him at all. I think there's some, what I'm picking up around here is there's a lot of quiet, silent cheering in the Obama Administration and the Obama campaign for Newt to get the nomination. It would be just be heaven-sent if he got the nomination."
He elaborated: "Someone once described the prospect of Newt getting the nomination, saying that, 'Imagine that you're standing in front of a door and behind that door all these suitcases are piled and you open the door and all the suitcases come tumbling out.' Of course, I didn't know what they were talking about. He said, 'Baggage, he has a lot of baggage and once he gets up there all that baggage comes tumbling out.'"