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NPR: Report: David Koch Calls Obama Socialist Who Deserves Little Bin Laden Credit

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highplainsdem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-05-11 08:27 PM
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NPR: Report: David Koch Calls Obama Socialist Who Deserves Little Bin Laden Credit

Report: David Koch Calls Obama Socialist Who Deserves Little Bin Laden Credit
by Frank James
May 5, 2011


New York magazine Daily Intel blogger Sarah Owen writes that she saw Koch at a Manhattan charity ball Wednesday evening and that not only did the big donor to Republican causes begrudge the president credit for Osama bin Laden's death but made the president sound like the second coming of Eugene V. Debs.

Obama is "a hardcore socialist," Koch told us, "and he's marvelous at pretending to be something other than that, but that is what I believe he truly is, a hardcore socialist. He's scary to me."

More from the New York magazine blog:

David Koch Gives President Obama Zero Credit for Bin Laden’s Death
5/5/11 at 1:25 PM

Considering the stark partisan divide over the amount of credit President Obama deserves for the death of Osama bin Laden, it should probably not come as a surprise that billionaire David Koch, a rabidly anti-Obama conservative activist, isn't ready to throw any praise Obama’s way. Strolling toward the dining area last night at the Society of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Spring Ball, he told us that it was the military and intelligence agencies that deserved all the credit, while “all that Obama did was say 'yea' or 'nay,' we’re going to take him out or not. I don’t think he contributed much at all.” He continued:

He just made the decision, it was obvious where the guy is. He was one of the worst terrorists organizing attacks on the United States. I mean, no president in his right mind would not approve that decision to go eliminate him. So he’s getting a lot of recognition and his polls have jumped up, but his decision was the easiest of them all. The real hard work was done by the intelligence and the SEALs.

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daligirl519 Donating Member (92 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-05-11 08:40 PM
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1. I love it!
Bizarro World, here we come!
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