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Rick Scott is going to show lazy poor children there is a price to pay for being a parasite

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Johnny Morales Donating Member (76 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-06-11 10:06 AM
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Rick Scott is going to show lazy poor children there is a price to pay for being a parasite
And that price is a varying fee for drug testing on average of about $35 BEFORE they can get benefits.

That'll teach those lazy kids to think twice before being born to a poor parent over their head trying to support their family.

Of course we all know that the ONLY reason why their family is struggling, is because their parent is lazy pot smoking, crack smoking, crystal smoking (take your pic) drug fiend who should not have children, but that's beside the point.

This solution will force the the drug-addled lazy, shiftless single parent parasite to think twice before using drugs, think twice before they think they can make tax payers pay for their lifestyle.

Florida is NOT fooled by the typical lame excuse given, that these people can't feed their children. Well if you weren't spending $1000 a week on drugs, you could. Florida's governor knows it, and that's why he is signing a bill to make anyone applying for welfare pay for their own drug testing before they can be considered for welfare. Guesstimates vary as to the cost, but it's expected to be around $35 give or take

The fact that Rick Scott owned in part the chain where the vast majority would go get drug tested is besides the point. It besmirches the honor of the good Florida governor.

OK ENOUGH SARCASM, otherwise the many DUers Who ONLY read headlines will think I'm a freeper who got lost and ended up on DU by mistake

I just cannot believe what a vile man the Florida governor is. He is just plain evil.

The notion that welfare as it exists today is something to "scam for" is a pathetic joke.

NO ONE can be on it for more than 3 years total in their entire life, and the responsibility for running it has devolved totally to the states. Some states are understanding, others are sadistic in their administration of the program throwing in heaps of humiliation with the support. Florida will become the worst once he signs this bill I guess.

Today ONLY POOR CHILDREN can be on it for longer than 3yrs total, and only until their 18.

After that they are on their own. The checks are specifically designated to support the children of the poor. Of course it makes the parents responsible for the funds, but THEY ARE NOT the reason for the support.

Long gone are the days a person could get on welfare and stay on it for decades having one child after another and get a raise in support with each one. THAT ENDED IN 1997 with the notorious welfare reform.

The fact that a chain of clinics that will get most of the business that results from this is the one he recently divested his interest in should make it clear the real reason why he felt bitch-slapping poor children was a priority.

I only hope that by the next election, Florida regains its sanity and kicks the Repugnicans out.
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Vinnie From Indy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-06-11 11:23 AM
Response to Original message
1. A Dem legislator needs to introduce bill that will mandate drug testing
for all members of the state legislature.
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