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Millionaires For Christie

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DainBramaged Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-06-11 12:54 PM
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Millionaires For Christie

Governor Christie cut our schools, women's health care and our public safety to give a tax break to millionaires. Learn whose side Christie is really on.

Christie Gives a Tax Break to Millionaires
Governor Christie has consistently opposed raising taxes on millionaires and vetoed the legislation that the Democrats passed. Instituting this temporary, one-year tax would affect only about 16,000 households in New Jersey, and would bring an estimated $637 million to state coffers.

Currently, the New Jersey Supreme Court is hearing arguments about whether Governor Christie violated the state constitution by cutting over $1 billion from public school funding. The Supreme Court could compel Christie to restore up to $1.7 billion to public education funding. During deliberations, one Supreme Court Justice raised the question to the Governor's representatives on his decision to not renew a "millionaire's tax" in order to raise revenue for the schools should the Court compel Christie to restore funding. Again, Christie remained defiant and even publicly chastised the Justice saying he sounded more like a "candidate for governor" than a "tenured judge."

Christie's Top Cuts in Education
Education Funding: Christie cut a total of $1.3 billion in state aid to education.
Special Education Funding: Christie cut more than $300 million in aid for special education programs and services for students with disabilities.
Special Higher Education: Christie cut $27 million from programs that pay for tuition and programs for students with severe disabilities.
School Breakfast Program Funding: Christie eliminated all $3 million in state funding for school breakfast programs.
School Lunch Program: Christie cut $2.4 million in state funding for the school lunch program.
Higher Education Funding: Christie cut $173 million from higher education - prompting a 4-percent tuition increase for in-state students at Rutgers University.
Higher Education Funding: Christie cut $9.2 million from the Tuition Aid Grant program.
Higher Education Scholarships: Christie cut $2.3 million from the Educational Opportunity Fund. Educational Opportunity Fund scholarships are awarded to students from financially and academically challenged backgrounds and enable them to attend state institutions.
Higher Education Scholarships: Christie cut $700,000 from the New Jersey Student Tuition Assistance Rewards Scholarship (NJ STARS). This scholarship rewards students who graduate in the top 15 percent of their class with tuition help.
After-School Funding: Christie cut funding for New Jersey After 3 by $7.4 million dollars. New Jersey After 3 is a public/private after-school program that serves approximately 12,000 children up to age 13 from predominantly lower- and middle-income families.
Summer Care Programs: Christie cut $5.2 million from a Division of Families and Children program that provides summer care for children of working families.
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Oceansaway Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-06-11 12:57 PM
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1. K&R...n/t
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DJ13 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-06-11 01:02 PM
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2. K&R
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