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(Texas) House women slam "disgusting" fliers by activist group

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proud2BlibKansan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-26-11 09:45 PM
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(Texas) House women slam "disgusting" fliers by activist group
A flier created by the Texas Civil Justice League - and apparently passed around by someone else - that featured a baby nursing at a pair of breasts (and text decrying a "nanny state" created by an insurance-related bill) drew the wrath of a cadre of women on both sides of the aisle on Thursday.

UPDATE: Lee Parsley of the league had already apologized for it to the entire House by the time it hit the floor, saying that he had never approved it and should not have let it out of the hands of the TCJL, but that didn't stop the public flogging that occurred in the House. (Text of apology at bottom.)

In an emotional personal privilege speech on the floor, Rep. Senfronia Thompson, D-Houston, blasted the fliers as objectifying women and said that while she doesn't condone violence, "if they (the creators of the fliers) were here, I'd probably bloody their nose right here on this floor, I guarantee it."

(And no, the House women aren't offended by the breast feeding, and they don't find it disgusting. They're offended because it's a graphic picture, that both the woman's breasts are bared and that it makes light of a naturally occurring thing in order to fight an insurance bill.)

As she spoke, Republican and Democrat women gathered behind her and at the back microphone, showing their support and solidarity.

more . . .

her speech on the floor:
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okasha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-26-11 09:50 PM
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1. I do love Senfronia.
I wish I could trade my half-useless rep for her.
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