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GOP Gov. Chris Christie: “We have an obligation to reduce our Greenhouse Gas emissions.”

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greenman3610 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-27-11 06:16 AM
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GOP Gov. Chris Christie: “We have an obligation to reduce our Greenhouse Gas emissions.”
Translation: I am running for President in 2016.

If you had any question whether GOP darling Chris Christie was going to enter the 2012 race, those are now answered.

Surveying the reality-free Tea Party freak show that is the current republican presidential field, Christie has opted out. And he has fired the first shot of his 2016 campaign by committing himself to a program of free-market incentives for combatting climate change, reducing greenhouse emissions, and accelerating New Jersey’s development of renewable energy and conservation.
Christie is obviously writing off 2012 as the political catastrophe that it might take to wake Republicans to the climatic catastrophe, preparing for the future, and betting that a few more years of pounding floods, heat waves, tornadoes, and droughts in Iowa should prepare the ground for some much needed rational thought in the GOP.
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Somawas Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-27-11 06:53 AM
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1. The Teabagicans will now drive him out of the party.
That's not pure. They only want true believers. I think he just Newted himself.
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