Not including the heavily-skewed conservative venue of The Villages; the corporate groupies in tow; and the mini-red "veto" Sharpie pens Scott handed out, signifying his veto of $615 million in budget spending.
Gov. Rick Scott signs autographs for children after signing the state budget. (AP)
Because he cannot face questioning adults. This guy is a coward with a lot of money.
Aaron Sharockman
reports in the
St. Petersburg Times:
May 27, 2011
Typically, state budgets have been signed in Tallahassee at a low-key ceremony with little pomp. Not this year.
Representatives from the Florida Chamber of Commerce, the National Federation of Independent Business, Bitner and Republican legislators Alan Hays of Umatilla and Marlene O'Toole of nearby Lady Lake warmed up the crowd before Scott bounced onto the stage after 1 p.m.
He was surrounded by red, white and blue bunting as Elvis Presley's A Little Less Conversation blared from the speakers.
After remarks, Scott moved to a smaller stage where he sat at a wooden desk and formally signed the budget.
Charter school students were bused in to surround Scott for the signing and were handed homemade signs to wave. When Scott was finished, a man in a tea party T-shirt began encouraging the children to chant Scott's campaign slogan, "Let's get to work."
Scott then handed out tiny replica red Sharpie pens, symbolizing his decision to veto $615 million in spending.
The entire event was broadcast over the Internet by the Republican Party, and in many ways mirrored Scott's budget proposal unveiling in Eustis in February.
Thursday's crowd of mainly white retirees and tea party activists loved it.
Senate Democratic Leader
Nan Rich:
Gov. Rick Scott’s signature on this Republican-crafted budget seals the fate of the middle class in Florida.
Beyond the destructive cuts to our children in pre-K through high school, Florida’s universities and community colleges, hospitals and nursing homes, our police officers, firefighters, and teachers, remains the outrageous claim that this is a ‘jobs budget.’
Only tea partiers under the control of billionaire right wingers could cheer such propaganda. Only the supporters of voodoo economics could honestly believe that firing 4,500 state workers followed by thousands more public school teachers in a state already drowning in pink slips will somehow create jobs. .....
Just another example of doing public business in a private setting from Governor Rick "Mr. Transparency" Scott.
This charlatan is an abomination and an affront to the people of Florida.
More details of yesterday's disgusting event