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Army report: Military has spent $32 billion since ’95 on abandoned weapons programs (WP)

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somone Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-27-11 11:04 AM
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Army report: Military has spent $32 billion since ’95 on abandoned weapons programs (WP)
Edited on Fri May-27-11 11:07 AM by somone

Army report: Military has spent $32 billion since ’95 on abandoned weapons programs
By Marjorie Censer

The Army’s Comanche helicopter was envisioned as “the quarterback of the digital battlefield,” a technologically superior aircraft that could hide from enemies, operate at night and in bad weather, and travel farther than any other helicopter. Gen. Richard Cody, a former vice chief of staff of the Army, called it the “most flexible, most agile” aircraft the country had ever produced. In 2000, it ranked as the most important planned buy for the Army. Four years later, the program — which had consumed close to 20 years of work and nearly $6 billion — was abruptly shuttered.

It is one of 22 major Army weapons programs that have been canceled since 1995, ringing up a price tag of more than $32 billion for equipment that was never built. A new study commissioned by the Army, though not publicly released, condemns the service’s efforts as “unacceptable.”

The study is the latest indication that the Pentagon — and the defense industry, in turn — is undergoing a seismic shift in its approach to new programs. As pressures mounted in Iraq and Afghanistan, the military retreated from its ambitions of building multibillion-dollar, technologically superior systems. Instead, it was forced to make better use of tried-and-true equipment.

For almost a decade, the Defense Department saw its budgets boom — but didn’t make the kind of technological strides that seemed possible. “Since 9/11, a near doubling of the Pentagon’s modernization accounts — more than $700 billion over 10 years in new spending on procurement, research and development — has resulted in relatively modest gains in actual military capability,” Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said in an address last week. That outcome, he said, is both “vexing and disturbing.”...


$700 billion over the last 10 years on MIC corporate welfare...
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w8liftinglady Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-27-11 11:07 AM
Response to Original message
1. The more you explore the DoD budget, the more waste becomes evident
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truedelphi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-27-11 11:11 AM
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2. Not much of a surprise. Between 1959 and Sept 2001,
The nation spent some thirty four Trillion dollars and then, on the one day that the nation needed to be defended against planes attacking our buildings, we weren't.

So in a sense, not much of this stuff works.

The accepted testimony before the Nine Eleven Commission is that the Air Force and Navy planes were required to head first Towards Russia (that is, to go east out over the Atlantic) rather than head towards the Pentagon.

Supposedly because no one at NORAD or anywhere else in Defense had decided to change the situation, even though the Berlin Wall came down way back in 1989.
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NNN0LHI Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-27-11 11:29 AM
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3. Lot of money gets funneled to intelligence agencies this way
When we start a new secret program we don't list what the money is really being spent on in the budget. That would defeat the purpose of having a secret program.

For instance there never was any mention of any money going into R&D for the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird which began in 1957. Hell we didn't even find out about it until President Johnson mentioned its existence in 1964.

Don't think I seen a picture of it until the 1970's.

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Tom Rinaldo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-27-11 12:36 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. Self Delete - Wrong position placement n/t
Edited on Fri May-27-11 12:38 PM by Tom Rinaldo

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NNN0LHI Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-27-11 02:42 PM
Response to Reply #4
6. And another thing ...
Just kidding.:)

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Tom Rinaldo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-27-11 12:38 PM
Response to Original message
5. Hey, this is relatively GOOD news.
At least those were programs we did not need that actually got cancelled at some point. Think of all the money spent refusing to cancell programs that we do not need, which is far too often what actually happens instead.
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