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innovative, money free, write-in campaigns, for local elections:

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rainy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-11-11 10:08 PM
Original message
innovative, money free, write-in campaigns, for local elections:
Edited on Fri Nov-11-11 10:09 PM by rainy
I was thinking, why can't we be creative and innovative with technology and run practically money free elections solely electronically? We could introduce the candidate on Facebook and youtube. We could list all the things the candidate stands for, post a youtube of candidate explaining positions and have discussions on FB. We could use cell phones and internet to get the vote out and promote our views. We'll encourage everyone to write-in the name. We could get the local news and papers involved to spread the word that there is another candidate. Make them get interested in what we are promoting and have them cover us for free. Nothing is impossible. We'll say the game is broken and rigged and cost too much so we are doing it our way and the money we save could feed our whole city's homeless for months. We'll make a huge deal of all the money the other candidates are raising just to run and how absurd it is etc.... I just heard today that some 18 year old won mayor of his city on write-in alone. He was not even running.
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Viva_Daddy Donating Member (142 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Nov-11-11 11:13 PM
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1. I like this idea and
local elections are a great place to start. However, please be sure the person you're promoting wants the office and is qualified.
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