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bighughdiehl Donating Member (284 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-12-11 02:03 AM
Original message
Does anyone else think....
that the biggest miscalculation of the elites was
in allowing unemployed college graduates to become
a common thing? See, it used to be that most of the people
educated enough to really question the system were also
too busy benefiting from it(even if only in a barely
middle class sort of way) to take time to question it.
Now, that is definitely no longer the case. So, we have many
recent college grads with nothing left to lose throwing with
OWS. Also, I'll bet the elite are really regretting they ever allowed
the internet to be open to the masses instead of just serving the
MIC that built it.
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Jackpine Radical Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-12-11 08:59 AM
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1. Interesting speculation.
And I think they will keep trying to regain control of the Internet.
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starroute Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-12-11 12:41 PM
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2. The internet was open by design from very early on
There's an interesting article at Wired which touches on this:

It’s been 47 years since the start of the Free Speech Movement, which inspired the anti-Vietnam War movement, the hippies, and perhaps even the internet as we know it.

Free-speech veteran Lee Felsenstein sees parallels in Occupy to the movement he helped start. . . .

During 1964, engineering students like him all over the country were not only watching Cal, but working on ways to connect the campuses together using the first nascent and slow computer network.

“One of the effects of the Free Speech Movement, and that outbreak of freedom really, was manifested in the development of the internet,” Felsenstein said. “We see the structure of the internet being an open structure, and open structure is what we were fighting for.”

Lee Felsenstein (born 1945 in Philadelphia) is an American computer engineer who played a central role in the development of the personal computer. He was one of the original members of the Homebrew Computer Club and the designer of the Osborne 1, the first mass-produced portable computer. . . .

As a young man, Lee Felsenstein was a New Left radical. From October through December 1964, he was a participant in the Free Speech Movement and was one of 768 arrestees in the climactic "Sproul Hall Sit-In" of December 2–3, 1964. . . .

Lee was influenced in his philosophy by the works of Ivan Illich, particularly "Tools for Conviviality" (Harper and Row, 1973). This book advocated a "convivial" approach to design which allowed users of technologies to learn about the technology by encouraging exploration, tinkering, and modification. Lee had learned about electronics in much the same fashion, and summarized his conclusions in one of several aphorisms, to wit - "In order to survive in a public-access environment, a computer must grow a computer club around itself." Others were - "To change the rules, change the tools," and "If work is to become play, then tools must become toys." . . .

Lee is the Founding Sensei of the HackerDojo in Mountain View, California.

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MedleyMisty Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-12-11 12:48 PM
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3. Even my half-brother gets it
And he generally swallows everything he hears on TV, doesn't have any reading material or a computer with an internet connection in his house, and also does not realize that other people are really real - like he has a tendency to just randomly drop in on me without asking or planning or anything.

But even he got it about Egypt - he said "There were a lot of young people who were educated but there weren't no jobs for them."

So if he can get that, and our 1% can't, then their IQ must be in the 40-50 range.
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robinlynne Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-12-11 11:48 PM
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4. shh. they ahve been trying to shut down the net for years ...Dont remind them.
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