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On November 11, 12:30 a.m. 6 people were arrested, including 2 who have been arrested previously.

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annm4peace Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-12-11 12:18 PM
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On November 11, 12:30 a.m. 6 people were arrested, including 2 who have been arrested previously.
The Fresno County Sheriff’s Department continues to make arrests after midnight at Occupy Fresno. On November 11, 12:30 a.m. 6 people were arrested, including 2 who have been arrested previously. They were held for about 7 hours and then released. The Sheriff’s Department is becoming more aggressive about arresting anyone in the gazebo area after midnight. If you are at Occupy Fresno after midnight and do not want to be arrested, stay on the sidewalk beside the street.
Today Occupy Fresno marched with the Green Hope Veterans in the Veterans Day Parade. There were 15 – 20 marchers. Occupy Fresno distributed flyers to more than 2000 spectators with its goals plus facts that motivate people to seek change and become active in the Occupy movement.

Howard Watkins, Chair of the Central Valley Progressive Political Action Committee, writes:
Dear CVPPAC Members and Friends,
The next meeting of the Central Valley Progressive PAC is this Saturday, November 12th from 3:30 to 5:00 pm at the Fresno Center for Nonviolence (1584 N. Van Ness Ave., Fresno). Our main discussion will be on the City's destruction of the homeless encampments and what the progressive community can do about it. Mike Rhodes and former Santa Fe Ave. homeless encampment resident Patch will be our speakers. We are also inviting a speaker from Occupy Fresno to come and give us an update on their situation.
Note: our meetings are free and open to the public. If you are at all interested in supporting the homeless and Occupy Fresno, please come and invite your friends to this informative meeting.
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