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Here's the official newest addition to the Reublican dictionary:

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DFW Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Nov-12-11 01:44 PM
Original message
Here's the official newest addition to the Reublican dictionary:
For them, just like "liberal" now means "Democrat" or "Democratic;" and "conservative" now means "Republican,"
"mean," "intolerant," "religious fanatic," "violence-prone "or "privileged," we now have another English word
whose definition has been altered by the Frank Luntz Institute of Imaginative Righist Linguistics:

Joke, n.

New Republican definitions:
1.) A lie which can immediately be identified as a lie, or is disproved on TV within three days by Jon Stewart, Rachel Maddow, or Keith Olbermann.
2.) A statement so grossly offensive as to disgust fellow Republicans, and potentially lose Republican supporters
3.) A derogatory opinion of a public person so overstated and false as to be legitimately subject to suit for libel
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BlancheSplanchnik Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-15-11 11:27 AM
Response to Original message
1. LOL! Nicely done!
Edited on Tue Nov-15-11 11:28 AM by BlancheSplanchnik
so true :thumbsup:

darn, I'm too late to Rec, shucks
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