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Tea Party Watch -"Be part of our citizen lobby" mass email

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ErikJ Donating Member (480 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-15-11 08:45 PM
Original message
Tea Party Watch -"Be part of our citizen lobby" mass email
This just in:

We're getting ready for the next Oregon legislative cycle

The next Oregon legislative cycle is close at hand. For our state to get on the right track and to hold legislators accountable, we're going to need a lot of help! Here are the details:

WHO:You and all conservative activists, who are willing to participate as a part of a team of citizen lobbyist from all around the state. This is the next step in the War Room effort we started during the 2011 Legislative session. You don't need to live close to Salem to participate. As long as you have a computer and an internet connection, you can do most of this work from the comfort of your home.

WHAT: We need folks who are willing to review, summarize and track bills through the 2012 legislative session.

Teams will be formed to review bills in the following categories:

1) Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources

2) State, County and Local Government Operations

3) Economic Development and Land Use

4) Education

5) Energy and Transportation

6) Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms

7) Healthcare and Welfare

8) Elections, Initiatives and Referenda

9) Regulations, Taxes and Fees

TRAINING: Training will be provided the evening of Tuesday, November 29th for all those who sign-up. We will provide you with the skills on how to find and access bills and legislative hearings on the internet, as well as h ow to read and understand a bill, how to comment and testify on bills, and how to communicate with a legislator.

WHEN: Please sign-up NOW if interested. We need to put our teams together right away.

HOW:You can sign-up by emailing Wayne Brady at Please provide him your name, email address, phone number and which team category you would like to participate.

Government belongs to those who show up.

Yours in Liberty,

Russ Walker
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ErikJ Donating Member (480 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-15-11 08:51 PM
Response to Original message
1. Sounds like an ALEC action to me
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