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Man charged with burning cross in driveway

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The Northerner Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-16-11 03:43 PM
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Man charged with burning cross in driveway
Edited on Wed Nov-16-11 03:44 PM by The Northerner
PANAMA CITY — A recent cross burning at the home of a Panama City mixed-race couple does not signal the resurgence of the Ku Klux Klan; it was the symptom of something understandable to anyone who’s ever been afraid of losing someone.

LB Williams, a 50-year-old black man, his wife of nearly seven years Donna Williams, who is white, and their bi-racial daughter found a cross burning in their driveway on Nov. 4. Their grandchild was home too.

“When I saw that cross burning, I was scared to death,” Donna Williams said. “I was terrified…we all were.”

They called police and reported it. Her grandbaby still reports seeing fires outside the house, even when there are none. There’s a scar burned into the driveway in the shape of a cross, she said.

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Journeyman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-16-11 04:18 PM
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1. "It wasn’t a hate crime, but a love crime." . . .
Sounds like a terribly sad family going through a very emotional breakup.

I wish them well. . .

The cross and the notes were the desperate acts of a desperate man, Williams said. Police agreed. The fact that Williams was released from jail on two felonies without any bond might be a good indication of the danger he poses to the community (though he’s not allowed to go home, a standard condition of bond in domestic violence cases).

“He truly is a good man. He doesn’t drink, he doesn’t do drugs and he works like a dog,” Donna Williams said. “We just can’t be together.”
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Liberal_in_LA Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-16-11 04:34 PM
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2. thread title made me think man burned cross on his own driveway
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