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Wyden. Naming names. Put yours on his anti-censorship filibuster list.

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Luminous Animal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-22-11 11:04 PM
Original message
Wyden. Naming names. Put yours on his anti-censorship filibuster list.
Senator Wyden’s going to be reading names of censorship opponents from the floor of the Senate during his expected filibuster of the PROTECT IP Act. You can ask to have your name read — and ask your Senators to vote no — by visiting

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Better Believe It Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-22-11 11:07 PM
Response to Original message
1. So why don't the Democrats conduct the phantom "procedural filibuster" that Republicans always use?
Edited on Tue Nov-22-11 11:10 PM by Better Believe It
That will kill the legislation and prevent it from even coming to a vote since 60 votes are needed to end a non-existent Senate floor debate.

Isn't that right?

And if Senator Wyden engages in a real Senate filibuster can't other liberal Senators participate in it and make their own points?
Just take turns, hour after hour, day after day.

Reading names is OK but what does Senator Wyden intend to do after he's finished reading those names?
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Luminous Animal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Nov-22-11 11:12 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Hope is that the uglier we make a prospective filibuster look, the less likely a vote before Xmas.
"The hope is that the uglier we make a prospective filibuster look, the less likely it becomes that leadership will call for a vote before Christmas break. It’s already passed through Senate Judiciary, and the understanding is that Reid wants to push for a vote soon, so he can claim a bi-partisan victory...
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