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PSU's County Judges Remove Themselves. Sandusky could still be jailed .

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Are_grits_groceries Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-23-11 05:08 AM
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PSU's County Judges Remove Themselves. Sandusky could still be jailed .
HARRISBURG — All the judges in Penn State's home county removed themselves from potentially presiding over the child sex-abuse case against former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky​ and will be replaced by outside jurists, the Pennsylvania court system announced today.

The Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts said in a news release that the four Centre County Common Pleas Court judges bowed out "to avoid any appearance of conflict of interest due to real or perceived connections" to Sandusky, the university or the charity for at-risk children Sandusky founded.

John M. Cleland, a senior judge from McKean County, was appointed to take over the case, although another judge, Kathy A. Morrow, was named to handle matters until he can assume jurisdiction.

The court system said neither Cleland nor Morrow, who sits in Perry and Juniata counties, have any known connections to the defendant, the university or the charity.

Cleland chaired the Interbranch Commission on Juvenile Justice, established in the wake of the "kids-for-cash" courthouse scandal in which Luzerne County judges were accused of sending children to private detention centers for kickbacks.

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Sandusky could be jailed at the next preliminary hearing. 2 more case are being investigated and they involve 15year old boys.
This is why Corbett should have jailed him immediately. He said he wanted to keep the investigation secret.Meh!

The grand jury is a very slow process. In addition, only one state trooper was assigned to investigate the case at the beginning. Corbett was dragging his feet, and that left Sandusky free to abuse an untold number of victims in the following years. Corbett should go down for this too!

Cleland was part of the group that lowered the boom on the judges who sent kids to jail for cash. Hopefully, he will have a much bigger boom for Sandusky.
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rhett o rick Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-23-11 09:15 AM
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1. k&r
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alcibiades_mystery Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-23-11 09:19 AM
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2. As I said in a previous thread over the judge's connections to Second Mile
It would be hard to find a prominent jurist in Centre County who is not connected in some way to Second Mile. This is the right move.
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