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An interview with a Japanese friend...

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Tommykun Donating Member (17 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-23-11 05:45 AM
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An interview with a Japanese friend...
Due to my heart problem, I have been stuck at home and unable to work. In this time, I have returned to my first and favorite MMORPG, Final Fantasy 11. I have made several friends from around the world, and I had the opportunity to interview a fellow player and friend from Japan. He chose to remain anonymous. After the recent news of ISPs censoring certain websites, I chose to go ahead and interview him and get his thoughts. These are my questions and his responses. I have cleaned up some of the language due to English being his second language.

Me-"What's your thoughts on the American government right now?"
Him-"Your government has gone too far. Even the thought of censoring the internet should never enter the head of any nation. The US is supposed to be the glowing beacon of freedom. Your country is not Egypt or other totalitarian nations. Your president gave us hope that America would start doing the right thing, but thing's have only gotten worse."

Me-"Do you think the Occupy movement can fix things?"
Him-"They have to. The world is watching your government closely right now. We all see how your government is handling it. Instead of listening to the people, they are trying to hurt and kill them. Many are hoping for a revolution in your country so maybe the world can somewhat even out again. Your Constitution ensures the rights of all people to protest peacefully without fear of the government silencing them, but police officers are attacking people with OC spray and beating them just for making a line"

Me-"What do you think about the possible Republican candidates?"
Him-"Please don't let them win. It would be Bush all over again. They are trying to make your country into another Nazi Germany with their message against homosexuals, protesters, science, and their overuse of Christianity to scare people. The only one even bearable would be Ron Paul."

Me-"In your opinion, has Obama kept his promises on foreign policy?"
Him-"No. Your wars are still going, theres talk of fighting with Iran and Pakistan, and instead of leaning toward diplomacy, he takes orders from those that want to point guns. He needs to do what he said."

Its somewhat sad that an individual from Japan, a country thousands of miles away, makes more sense and knows more than anyone that watches Fixed News or listens to Pill-popper Limbaugh.
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Skittles Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-23-11 06:37 AM
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1. he makes more sense than a lot of DUers
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