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Boston Globe: Democrats Adopt Rhetoric of ‘Occupy’ Movement

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Hissyspit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-23-11 06:23 AM
Original message
Boston Globe: Democrats Adopt Rhetoric of ‘Occupy’ Movement

Democrats adopt rhetoric of ‘occupy’ movement

Street protests provide fuel for some lawmakers

By Bobby Caina Calvan |  GLOBE STAFF     NOVEMBER 23, 2011

‘Ninety- nine percent of the people are 100 percent fed up,’ Edward J. Markey said last month.

WASHINGTON - When US Representative Edward J. Markey of Massachusetts sought to illustrate the divide between average citizens and the oil industry recently, his words echoed from the ragtag protests on Wall Street.

“These companies aren’t just the 1 percent of America, they are the 1 percent plus, making billions off the backs of Americans,’’ Markey declared in a news release.

Harry Reid also adopted the words of the Occupy Wall Street movement, when he railed on the Senate floor against “millionaires and billionaires’’ who get richer while the rest of America stagnates. “This 1 percent now makes more than the other 99 percent combined,’’ said Reid, the Senate majority leader, while promoting a White House jobs bill.


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Owlet Donating Member (765 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Nov-23-11 06:54 AM
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1. Headline should have read
"Democratic Congressmen Adopt the Rhetoric of 'occupy' movement". It would be real news if Democratic Congressmen adopted the program of OWS.

Still, words sometimes lead to actions.


Well, once in a while.
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