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Why Keith leaving is a big deal vs. O'Reilly

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wilt the stilt Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-22-11 06:47 AM
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Why Keith leaving is a big deal vs. O'Reilly
Among his peers he was the one guy who wasn't a shill. He wouldn't compromise his beliefs. He was caring in a real way and wasn't mean. If O'Reilly or any of the stooges over at Fox left it would be no big deal because everyone knows that these people are shills and have absolutely no integrity.

It's his peers that recognize that it is a big deal.
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opihimoimoi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-22-11 07:01 AM
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1. GOPer Pressure reached crit mass
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KharmaTrain Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-22-11 07:17 AM
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2. Different Companies And Cultues
While I know it feels good to scream how faux can't and won't fire an O'Reilly or Dreck...but that's cause they serve their master's purpose. They are paid to be over-the-top firebreathers. They draw the attention, the ratings and political clout that has served Murdoch very well over the years and continues to do so. Firing an O'Reilly would be a sign of weakness..."giving in" to the peutrid political culture they need to preserve to remain relevant.

As one whose worked in the media world, I've seen too many good people and shows canned for all types of reasons, but one is pretty much's a falling out between the talent and the management. Sometimes it's losing money but most times its egos that come into play. Management will tolerate a "free spirit" as long as revenues and ratings are there but the bad blood between KO and MSNBC had been brewing for a while and it looks like he's out as new management comes in.

The irony here is last week a major radio corporation fired 25% of their remaining local newspeople...small time reporters and the journalists of tomorrow who were "outsourced" and squeezed out in a corporate media world that has become insular and paranoid.

While I'd love to see Faux give the axe to some or all of the right wing shills that lie and distort but Murdoch will just go out and find more to do his bidding.
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