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Glenn Beck blasts Bronx, compares Co-Op City to failed socialist state Read more: http://www.nydail

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babsbunny Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-11 06:28 PM
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Glenn Beck blasts Bronx, compares Co-Op City to failed socialist state Read more: http://www.nydail

BY Mike Jaccarino

Wednesday, January 26th 2011, 9:25 PM

Right-wing pundit Glenn Beck has roiled residents of the Bronx's Co-Op City - suggesting their affordable community is an example of the failed socialism that once ruled the USSR.

"Once you say there's a place where everyone's life is interchangeable, everyone then has exactly the same stuff, which sounds like these beautiful complexes," the Fox News broadcaster told viewers of "The Glenn Beck Show" on Tuesday.

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Newest Reality Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jan-27-11 06:41 PM
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1. Beck's scripted agitprop is
so perfectly surreal and unabashedly purposeful for the Status Quo that you either get that, or you take it seriously and as if it is just his silly ideas. Just like how some deal with Colbert.

I wish everyone could laugh and then embrace what Beck disdains, boo-hoo's about, and tries to denigrate. He could be a big, red arrow with flashing neon lights pointing at what is worthy of consideration, sometimes.

On the other hand, my biggest wish is that vast numbers would tune-out McPravda completely, especially those who complain about voters who vote against their own interests. Watching the major, corporate media is similar today. Rather than stand aghast with gaping jaws at each new merger, turn them off, unplug your set from the coaxial and quite paying them to deceive you. Dare to go cold turkey and see how well those media empires do without their viewers. Well, they could pretend, since they are so good at it ;)
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